Sunday, November 7, 2010

The the Beginning!!!

The end of this great season is the beginning of a promising future for the North Salem Cross Country team. On August 3rd we started the season with 45 individuals. As the season progressed each and every individual continued to improve and amongst the individual accomplishments a team started to develop. The top 7 achieved their team goal at the last meet of the season. With all but one of the top 7 returning next season the North Salem Cross Country team will be a force to be reckoned with next season.
Meet Highlights Include:

Team Rankings:
1- Pawling
2- Bronxville
3- Dobbs Ferry
4- Rye Neck - 124
5- North Salem - 127

Cullin Burdett 17:32 (ranked 6th individual in Class C)
Andrew Mackenzie 18:18
Micky Jacobsen 19:04 (Personal Best)
Luke Raskopf 19:17 (Personal Best)
Tomasz Stefankowski 19:21 (Personal Best)
Sean Devey 19:30 (Personal Best)
Ryan Hendrie 20:34

Coach Gilchrist and Coach Holst are extremely proud of each and every member of the Cross Country Team. The future will be filled with SUCCESS!!!